
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Animal Bird

The king replied: "In one of my previous lives, I was a dog in the city of Pampa. On a holy Shivaratri, I happened to go to the temple of Shiva. The devotees who assembled there beat me severely and I died then and there. By the merit of dying in the presence of Lord Shiva on such a holy day, I am now born in a royal family. All the beastly traits which you see now in me derive from my previous existence as a dog. Those subtle tendencies in me cannot but manifest themselves!" Then the queen persuaded him to enlighten her about her own previous life. He said that in that life she was a female pigeon at holy Sreesailam. "As a result of your life long stay at such a holy place, you have now become my queen:" Then she asked him about the future lives of them both. 
  1. He said: "In the next life, I shall be born as the prince of the kingdom of Sindhu and you shall be born in the royal family of the land of Sanjaya and we shall be united in marriage. 
  2. In the life after that, I shall be the king of Sowrashtra and you, born as the princess of Kalinga, shall be my queen. 
  3. In the third birth hence, I shall be the king of Gaandhaara and you, as the princess of Magadha, will be my queen. 
  4. In the fourth birth, I shall be the king of Avanti and you, as the princess of Dasaarna, will be my queen. 
  5. In the fifth life, I shall be a king named Ananta and you, as the daughter of king Yayaati, will be my wife. 
  6. In the sixth life, I shall be the very handsome king of Paandya and you, as the virtuous princess of Vidarbha, will marry me. In that life, we will enjoy kingly pleasures and perform many great religious sacrifices. 
  7. In the seventh birthh, we will attain liberation by the grace of sage Agasthya. In this manner, even animals and birds will attain to higher states of existence.

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