
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Indra Humbled / Link / His Guru

At one time, Agastya took up a Yagna for 12 years. Many sages, maharshis and ritviks came there and helped in the right conduct of the yagna. However, during that period, there were no rains and as we all know rain bearing clouds are governed by Indra. And gentle rains are happy omens, not dry spells nor deluge (as happened in Brindavan when the cowherds worshipped Govardhana giri ignoring Indra and Krishna had to lift the Govardhana Giri with His little finger and teach Indra a lesson).
Agastya, Darasuram temple, photo Olivier Barot

Because of the dry spell, the seeds and the plants started drying up and food started getting into short supply. All the visitors were wondering how they will be fed by the Yajamani (in this case Sage Agastya himself). He asked them not to worry and told them that he would wait till next day evening and if it does not rain by then, he would go to heaven, take over the Indra post and give the earth good rain. The other sages asked him not to take that much trouble and were making alternative arrangements including prayers to Varuna (god of water). Indra came to know of sage Agastya’s ultimatum and came running along with deva guru Brihaspati and fell at Agastya’s feet and asked the sage to pardon him. He immediately arranged for rain and instantly sprouting seeds so that food is in abundance. Agastya also forgave Indra and sent him, Brihaspati and Varuna back with due curtsey.

Once Indra was performing Teertha Yatras and in the course of his pilgrimage visited Brahma Saras (Lake) and that lake was full of beautiful lotus flowers. Indra and his group felt like plucking the flowers and they did that. At that time, the lake and the flowers were being safe-guarded by Agastya and he came to know of their transgression. He came immediately to the spot but before he cursed Indra, Indra prostrated to the sage and offered all the flowers that they plucked and he also clarified that he did that to attract the attention of the sage and get the benefit of some good upadesa. The sage was satisfied with Indra’s explanation and let him off after giving him some good advice.

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